Get Prepared To Go Crazy On Holi…!!!

Undoubtedly, holi is one such day, which encourages exhibiting all your craziness. How well are you prepared for this big day..? If you feel that the preparations are just confined to buy holi colors online, you are absolutely mistaken. Here under, we detail you a few tips in this context. Put your Worst Clothes on:… Continue reading Get Prepared To Go Crazy On Holi…!!!

CBSE Class 12 Maths: Important Tips and Topics For Finals: Solutions NCERT Books

With the advent of the board exams, students of different streams are studying round the clock. It is an obvious aspiration for every one to scale the summit. However, the effort and work that you have expended the whole year is what is put to test at this point of time. Students who have been… Continue reading CBSE Class 12 Maths: Important Tips and Topics For Finals: Solutions NCERT Books

Categorized as Education

Exercise and Dieting Are 2 Important Pillars Of Weight Loss Regime

Dieting and exercise are the two wheels of a fitness program and both the things go hand in hand. You cannot achieve your weight loss goal by following a diet regime only and similarly you cannot substitute the benefits of your dieting by exercising. If you keep on exercising too much without keeping a check… Continue reading Exercise and Dieting Are 2 Important Pillars Of Weight Loss Regime

Territy Bazar – Exploring The Chinese Quarters Of Kolkata

Perhaps the only part of the city like Kolkata which starts its routine right at 5 in the morning, the Territy Bazar is something you cannot miss. Filled with refreshing aroma of the freshly boiled items, you can find students, early office goers and locals from the neighbouring areas rushing to the market area for… Continue reading Territy Bazar – Exploring The Chinese Quarters Of Kolkata

Categorized as Travel

Today’s Business Knowledge

In an effort to stand out or highlight their progressive and innovative business techniques, many companies place a strong focus on business knowledge. The amount and availability of information regarding successful business practices is widespread, and is often cited as the cornerstone of successful companies and business philosophies. However, in the changing global marketplace of… Continue reading Today’s Business Knowledge

Categorized as Business