It can take hours of hard work to create your finished, polished novel. As well as deciding on a plotline, building characters and actually writing the e-book, you will have to proof read and possibly adjust various sections. When you are finally happy it has been written, the words and the grammar are correct and that you are going to e-publish instead of trying the more traditional route, you will still need to create a front cover and an intro which will hook your reader and persuade them to buy your book.
Even after you have reached this stage there is more to do! The book will need to be converted to EPUB format; this will allow it to be uploaded to the e-book platforms and, hopefully, people to buy them electronically!

The e-book market is flooded with new additions every day, you will need to market your book and create an angle which will draw people to your book; you will then need to persuade them to purchase the book. One of the easiest ways to do this is to take an extract from the book and display it on your own website, your social media site and on any other site you are using to market your e-book.
To do this you will need to use FoxyUtils – they offer a complete range of conversion tools which will allow you to convert one document type into another document. If you have written the book in Microsoft Word for instance, you can easily export the entire book as a PDF file in Word. Alternatively, you can use the online Word to PDF converter in case you want to put less stress on your own computer. Next you can extract a specific chapter or pages to use for promotion. For this using the Split PDF tool is very handy. You simply upload the PDF file, specify the page range and with the click of a button you get your new PDF file with the desired page range only. You can then share the PDF file online on your website and through email. In addition, you can use the PDF to EPUB converter to create epub versions of the promotional chapter and the entire book, for promotion and selling!
The converted file can have pieces of it removed and used in almost any website or even emailed to your customer list as an example of what they could be reading. By converting the file you will increase your ability to reach people but you will also ensure that they are not able to copy your work for themselves or even rewrite part of it and repost it; changing the meaning and customer base instantly; potentially damaging or ruining your marketing attempts.
One important item to note is that the firm listed offer their conversion products completely free of charge, there is a donation option which will be appreciated by them; if you are happy with the product.
Once you have converted your file and started to market it you willneed to find time to start on your next book! After all, if your first one becomes popular you will need to be able to capitalize on this popularity and increase your customer base as well as your potential sales.
Writing a second book can be difficult if your first one was a specific project. You may be able to take ideas from where the first one left off and build a continuing story or you may need to seek out a new storyline.
Again, this will take time and effort but you can write a second, or even a third one! Of course, sequels are easier to publish as you already know what you are doing and are building a customer base!